Toasted Oats

Exericse and Recipe Guru

Toasted Oats

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Toasted Oats

This is a super fast way to take those plain oats to the next level.

It’s fantastic added to a breakfast of fruit and yoghurt. Or, for a treat try sprinkling this on ice - cream for dessert…delicious!

You can make up a bigger batch of these oats - store them in an airtight container - then measure out your portion when you need it. Approximately 1/4 cup per serving is a good place to start.

This recipe includes LSA Mix. This is another great addition to your pantry. 

LSA is an acronym for linseeds (also known as flaxseeds), sunflower seeds and almonds. It’s usually ground up into a coarse powder, and is most often found in the health food isle in the supermarket.

It’s a wonderful way to provide extra fibre, protein and healthy fats including omega 3. There are also B Vitamins, Vitamin E, along with minerals like zinc, magnesium, calcium and potassium.

You can add a teaspoon to your cereal, smoothies, oats or salads. If you’re baking, you can add a tablespoon to the batter. You’ll hardly know it’s there, but you will be getting all those benefits.

4 Serves

Approx. 178 calories per serve

5 minutes


1 Tbsp Coconut Oil

1 1/2 Tbsp Honey

1 tsp Cinnamon

1 Cup Oats

1 Tbsp Vanilla Essence

1 Tbsp LSA Mix

Pinch Salt


Pour coconut oil and honey into a hot pan and allow to bubble for approx. 30 seconds 

Sprinkle in cinnamon

Pour in oats and stir well

Pour in vanilla essence

Allow oats to toast stirring constantly for approx. 2 mins or until golden 

Add a pinch of salt

Stir through LSA mix

Remove from heat and allow to cool